Hub of Ideas

Working and Hosting in the »Alter Postbahnhof«

Until the Second World War, postal railway vehicles arrived and departed here, where they were loaded and unloaded, and parcels and letters were sorted and sent on. Now the old postal railway station at Berlin’s Ostbahnhof, classified as an archi­tec­tural monument, is to become a hub of the cognitive and the creative.

The entire impressive ensemble consists of two monumental postal loading halls that lie alongside each other, with the former track hall on the floor above the inbound packing chamber. The latter is a popular event space due to its dimen­sions and enormous skylights. Without inter­rupting operation, &MICA refur­bished the existing building in consul­tation with the permitting autho­rities. In order to carry out the renovation work as effici­ently as possible, a 3D survey with BIM was made for the first time for the existing building. This initial effort accele­rated the overall process and guaranteed a degree of precision that is otherwise difficult to achieve, especially for histo­rical buildings with few right angles.

To ensure the long-term use of the premises as an event venue, &MICA upgraded the built infra­structure and carried out various altera­tions in addition to overseeing the heritage-conscious resto­ration of dilapi­dated building parts.

&MICA planned a modern rooftop addition with an expansive roof terrace plus additional terraces for the towers that terminate the historic structure at both ends. Additional work space is created in the courtyard: a building made of aluminium and glass, with a green roof and under­ground parking. The restrained new building links the old buildings and echoes the indus­trial character of the historic Postbahnhof through its use of materials, but does not force itself to become the centre of attention

»Alter Postbahnhof« and BIM

Planning in 3D

Here, &MICA used a 3D model for the first time to work on an existing building. Along with histo­rical research and analysis, a very good survey enables reliable planning. Using the BIM method to implement the three-dimen­sio­nality of the building allowed for much more accuracy in the execution, far fewer changes on the construction site and, conse­quently, more planning relia­bility and efficiency. Meanwhile, the use of BIM methods for work on existing buildings has become standard practice at &MICA.


Working and Hosting in the »Alter Postbahnhof«

Site plan


Ground floor


Cross section


Experi­encing city
PakoBer GmbH
Asset Management
econcept Immobilien und Projekt­ent­wicklung KG (GmbH & Co.), Minerva Management Betei­li­gungs GmbH
Project Controlling
eqviva Projekt­be­treuung GmbH & Co. KG
Time Frame
2019 – 2021
Approx. 19,000 m² GFA
LPH 1 – 8 HOAI
Thomas Heimann


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