

For us, archi­tecture goes far beyond occup­iable space. We design spaces that people enjoy being, living and working in. Every project makes a contri­bution to a community whose values we share: partnership, respect, sustaina­bility, relia­bility, clarity. These values also guide us in our day-to-day inter­ac­tions with our staff, our partners and our clients. Always in exchange, always in a dialogue. As proven experts, we have been assisting public and private clients through all the work stages of projects since 2002.

We focus on addressing needs and providing versa­tility. We want our designs to be not only beautiful, but also fitting and, above all, sustainable. As experi­enced and reliable partners, we maintain a focus not only on the vision, but also on feasi­bility in terms of scheduling, construction and economics. Our portfolio embraces typologies for working, living and experi­encing the city. We design archi­tec­tural solutions that are well conceived for the present and optimally equipped for the future.

We are strong because we think within commu­nities. Within our agile teams. With our partners in the imple­men­tation. With our clients, from the initial encounter onwards. As attentive listeners, we are also constant learners and continue to ask questions until we truly under­stand. And thereby create the perfect solution.


Digital trans­for­mation entails social change. But digita­li­sation &MICA goes far beyond the use of digital techno­logies. We under­stand digita­li­sation as a new culture – of designing, planning and building, and also of colla­bo­ration, commu­ni­cation, organi­sation, exchange and business processes.

We are a member of the BIM Allianz.


Fire Protection

We know how important fire safety is to your business. That’s why we take it very seriously! Our fire protection experts work in conti­nuous dialogue with our teams to develop custo­mised solutions that are flexible, functional and econo­mical.



Thorsten Schmedt, Matthias Ott, Andreas Michels, Anne Ehrenberg and Thomas Ellinghaus jointly run the office.


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