For Ubisoft, a video game company with opera­tions around the world, &MICA trans­formed parts of an anonymous office complex from 1995 into a stylish and attractive work environment tailored to the needs of the company.

Compre­hensive interior fit-out work and altera­tions were carried out to adapt the existing building spatially, techni­cally and aesthe­ti­cally to the demanding requi­re­ments of the game develo­pment studio. A diverse spatial programme was devised, whose spectrum ranges from tradi­tional office worksta­tions to an event room and a cinema to a spacious user research lab for testing computer games.

In close coordi­nation with Ubisoft and within a very short period of time, what had previously been rigidly struc­tured offices in the existing building were trans­formed into spacious high-tech interiors that offer lots of freedom for creativity, develo­pment and commu­ni­cation.

The construction of an event room in the courtyard gave the building an additional venue, and the ground floor can be flexibly subdi­vided thanks to semi-automatic partition walls. Stylish reception and commu­ni­cation zones with exposed concrete ceilings combine with areas that are acousti­cally optimised for concen­trated group and individual work to create an office landscape that is as varied as it is inspiring.

DW Real Estate GmbH (Construction phase 1), Quantum Immobilien AG (Construction phase 2) für Ubisoft Blue Byte Deutschland
Time Frame
2019 – 2021
Approx. 9,100 m² GFA
LPH 3 – 8 HOAI
Interior Design
Ubisoft Blue Byte / Nick Wolff


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