Coope­rative Creation Process

Working, Lingering and Living in Potsdam’s »Kreativ Quartier«

Suddenly a colourful world opens up: The new Kreativ Quartier in the heart of Potsdam will be an open, inviting, multi­faceted and univer­sally acces­sible ensemble of studios, workshops, day-care centres, exhibition spaces and more.

This moderately priced creative space is created at round table meetings. The idea was to design quality outdoor and work spaces that are actually needed. The ambitious project developed quickly as the future users sat down to work coope­ra­tively with the investors, archi­tects and autho­rities.

The classical exterior belies its exuberant interior. The street fronts fit quite naturally into the histo­rical conti­nuity of the garrison city and royal seat. Three passages that lead into the multi­faceted present open up within the prominent upscale façades. An inten­tional breach adeptly brings together history and this contem­porary presence.

The common thread of the quarter is its diversity. This has a solid basis: the perimeter block develo­pment and chequer­board grid pattern embrace Potsdam’s street layout yet leave much open. Inside, there are green spaces, spaces of appro­priation and various buildings of different shapes, sizes and materials – façades made of ceramics or glass, balconies with trellises, and galleries that provide open oppor­tu­nities. The modular struc­tural framework, designed for versa­tility, facili­tates potential modifi­ca­tions and changes of use.


Here, everyone is welcome. The »village« is consciously designed to be open and acces­sible. The ground floor zones are permeable, and the generous outdoor spaces are usable by all. Even portions of the roofs are planned as communal spaces. Curious glances are welcome: covered arcades and large glazed openings inter­weave the interior with the exterior and promote discourse.


Working, Lingering and Living in Potsdam’s »Kreativ Quartier«

Site plan






Ground floor

Standard floor


»Kreativ Quartier« and Inclusion

Building for Everybody

The »Kreativ Quartier« is a project that revolves around inclusion. Multi­func­tional and designed plus built in discourse, its flexi­bility allows it to anticipate a multitude of (present and future) uses. Permea­bility between outside and inside is stressed – with the striking passages that lead from the street into the »village«, and with glass façades and arcades that front the buildings. The »Kreativ Quartier« is also designed to be barrier-free, and beyond that, rehearsal rooms and work studios are available at moderate rents for tenants with limited budgets.

Experi­encing city
Glockenweiß GmbH and ASSIDUUS Develo­pment GmbH
Time Frame
2020 – 2023
Approx. 24.500 m² GFA
Design (workshop and dialogue procedure, 1st prize)
Landscape archi­tects
schönherr Landschafts­ar­chi­tekten PartmbB (herrburg Landschafts­ar­chi­tekten)
Under construction
Tomi Maslo­varić and Quatre Caps


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