
The building sector is very resource-intensive. We know it is possible to build with less environ­mental strain. And that’s exactly how we work. We are helping to shape the future – not just in the form of buildings designed to meet future challenges, but in every way possible. To reduce surplus materials. To save resources. To ensure that people and the environment remain healthy. And to respond flexibly to our changing times. Sustaina­bility is a process we fully embrace in our practice. We remain committed.

Sustainable Construction


We design sustainable buildings, incor­porate circular dismantling concepts and build in compliance with environ­mental, social, and gover­nance (ESG) guide­lines according to EU taxonomy.


We build places that enable parti­ci­pation for all. Where people stay healthy, feel good, express their identity and find inspi­ration.


We create fair archi­tecture for the common good. We are mindful of the needs of everyone in the process, and of ensuring good condi­tions for our partners and all users. Archi­tecture is a collective process.


We make use of non-polluting substances and building materials from renewable resources or recycled materials, and we document their value with material passports such as Madaster.


We avoid waste, even during construction, use resources appro­priate to the site, implement efficient land use and plan for dismantling and reuse.


We design buildings intended to last a long time. Our concepts are designed for flexible use, and the materials have a long service life.


We make room for biodi­versity by designing façades, roofs and other surfaces covered with greenery. Biolo­gical diversity has a positive effect on the climate. Plants cool and filter fine particles, and substrates reduce noise.


We put the sponge-city concept into practice, create retention areas, reduce runoff and consumption quantities – through the use of, among other things, grey water


We work on reducing car traffic, planning cycle paths and under­ground bike garages, and inter­linking mobility options, for example by creating mobility hubs.


We aim for energy-self-suffi­cient buildings with the highest Efficiency House standards, plan with geothermal energy as well as photo­vol­taics (PVT) and work with our partners to design innovative utility supply concepts.


Digital appli­ca­tions, BIM models and simula­tions optimise our processes. We work with environ­mental footprint assess­ments and life cycle cost analyses to assure economic viability and efficiency.


Our buildings are DGNB or BNB certified and we assist with additional certi­fi­ca­tions such as ECARF or Well.

Sustainable Work


We want all our staff to be satisfied. We achieve this through empowerment, respect and a high level of individual respon­si­bility. External experts support us in this process.


We operate in teams with agile struc­tures. Empowerment and respon­si­bility are paramount.


The collective and conti­nuous develo­pment of our fields of activity ensures long-term viability, as do our sustainable business management and the culti­vation of relati­onships to our partners.


We use resources from renewable sources, keep our CO2 emissions to a minimum and procure sustainably for the team kitchens.


We promote the health of our employees, supported by a company doctor.


We actively promote the use of bicycles and public transport. We only travel by car or plane when absolutely necessary, and we compensate for unavo­idable flights.


We use energy respon­sibly. Whenever and wherever possible, we reduce our energy consumption to a minimum. And we do so conti­nuously.


We ensure our work is of high quality by rigorously using tools such as digital kanban boards, the BIM method and PlanRadar.


In the spirit of lifelong learning, we invest in our employees’ conti­nuous develo­pment and uphold the high quality of our work.


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