Fire Protection

Safety in focus


In order to minimise fire risk, it is essential that struc­tural, technical, organi­sa­tional and defensive fire protection measures are effec­tively integrated and optimally coordi­nated. Our specia­lists focus on all four pillars of fire protection in order to develop a holistic, compre­hensive fire protection strategy. This strategy not only reflects the minimum legal requi­re­ments for reducing the danger of fire, the proba­bility of damage and the potential extent of loss, but also takes your individual protection needs into account.

Compre­hensive fire protection


Our fire protection experts work in conti­nuous dialogue with our teams to develop custo­mised fire protection concepts that are both functional and econo­mical. They provide reliable compliance with legally stipu­lated safety objec­tives, while integrating seamlessly with your building’s archi­tecture and opera­tional processes. This is how we ensure compre­hensive fire protection. Even in listed buildings.

Individual solution


We use our extensive specia­lised knowledge and experience to carefully analyse the specific circum­s­tances of your property, identify potential hazards and then develop effective fire protection concepts for your building project. Our range of services also includes the evaluation of existing buildings in a target-perfor­mance compa­rison.

We can also help you prepare and/​or amend all the necessary fire safety documen­tation, such as escape and rescue plans, fire brigade plans and fire safety regula­tions. As external fire safety officers, we organise fire safety training to enable your staff to respond quickly and evacuate in an orderly manner in the event of an emergency.


Your contact partner

Nick Hribal
Expert for preventive fire protection
T +49 (0)30 4401 04 39 77


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