

We devote the same passion to all the work we do. From extremely large to very small, we conceive spaces and make them a reality.

For our private and public clients, we implement projects dedicated to working, living and experi­encing the city. And ideally, with synergies.

»When designing, the search for the best floor plan solution plays a very important role for me: if I am satisfied with the floor plan, a lot has already been achieved. Because I believe that in the design phase we can best see the potential of a space in the floor plan.«


Team Leader Design

What Sets
Us Apart

We believe that things from a single source turn out better. Which is why our portfolio of services includes all nine work stages. We do not super­impose the stages like building blocks. Instead, we integrate them sensibly. Our specia­lised project teams design, plan and construct new buildings, but also retrofit existing struc­tures and restore histo­rical monuments . We give our clients close support throughout all these processes.

But we go beyond the nine. As experi­enced partners, we also offer general planning services and full support for acqui­sition processes and develo­pment projects.

Insight into our organigram


We do not only work on the service phases chrono­lo­gi­cally. The organigram shows that we offer services that go beyond the usual phases and that we are in constant exchange across all service phases. This exchange gives us planning security in the early phases. Only in this way can we meet our quality standards down to the last detail. Even in later phases, if something unplanned should come to light in the existing building.

»Building involves a great deal of coope­ration between those involved in planning and construction. The many parti­ci­pants must and want to be coordi­nated. And we encounter a multitude of very unique characters every day. But construction tasks can only be tackled jointly.«


Team Leader Construction

How Do We Work?

With experts. We rely on colla­bo­ration among equals in diversely struc­tured teams. These teams include specia­lists for the individual work stages and for the typologies of working, living, and experi­encing the city, as well as for specia­lised topics and work processes such as digita­li­sation and sustaina­bility.

Under one roof. The teams from all the work stages interact closely. Our organi­sa­tional structure is clear but agile. Technical expertise from subse­quent stages can be incor­po­rated at the very beginning of a project – and vice versa. This makes us more effective and averts redun­dancies.

»In planning, I do start from a starting point of developing user:inside requi­re­ments. But that also means sometimes taking small detours. And bringing together different disci­plines in order to find a functional, sustainable, and always design-appro­priate solution for the users and the location. A solution with added value.«


Project Manager Planning


The processes illus­trate how central our team struc­tures are to our collective thinking and action. Team leaders commu­nicate with all colle­agues. For each new project, small project teams of project managers and archi­tects are formed for the individual phases of the project. Each team includes specia­lists for higher-level topics.

»Redun­dancy? Archi­tects rarely know this. A wonderful aspect of our profession is the diversity of planning tasks: Rarely is one project the same as the next; we are always confronted with new framework condi­tions and new challenges.«


Team Leader Planning

With What Tools?

At &MICA, knowledge transfer and routine exchange are strongly promoted and clearly organised. We ensure both thanks to agile struc­tures and measurable quality standards. Our clients are on board with us and know at all times where we jointly stand. Our standards ensure defect-free buildings, but they also do much more: clearly defined process paths and approaches prevent misun­derstan­dings and errors.


We deal with many topics that go beyond pure designing, planning and building. But which we under­stand as a prere­quisite for the way we work. These tools and topics accompany us in a certain way and guide our work processes. Experts in the teams represent these central themes throughout all service phases.

»Preli­minary design and design planning include cost estimation or calcu­lation, taking into account all cost risks. We take on this challenge of costing, which should take into account all as yet unfore­seeable risks as far as possible. Experience and farsigh­tedness are parti­cu­larly in demand here.«


Team Leader Costs and AVA

And How Do We Achieve This?

With passion and magnitude. Our team leaders and teams are not only passionate about archi­tecture, but also about their areas of focus. And the magnitude of our office, with studios in two cities, enables us to operate with specia­lised teams effec­tively across different work stages and to achieve goals without wasting time or effort.

»Planning and building are subject to incre­asingly complex requi­re­ments: In this world, it is all the more important for us to create a solid foundation for the joint work, which defines the legal, economic and deadline framework for all parties equally. This framework provides security and thus creates the necessary space for creativity.«


Commercial Team Leader

And With All This …

… we think econo­mically and, in our clients’ interest, keep an eye on costs, deadlines and quality – again, from the big picture to the smallest detail. Because we know from experience: Robustly designed archi­tecture goes hand in hand with cost certainty. For us, sustaina­bility is ecolo­gical, economic, social and aesthetic. From a single mould.


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